Dive into an amazing Gameboy adventure with "Become What They Fear"!


This is a game about the afterlife and about scaring people. Play as a ghost that can possess people, discover what they are afraid of, and scare them using different strategies. 


  1. While possessed, people can't be scared.
  2. Each level has a target, which you can only scare after filling up the spooky meter.

Menu Controls:

Navigate OptionsUp / Down  / Left / Right  ArrowsGameboy pad
SelectKGameboy A
BackMGameboy B

In-game Controls:

Move WASD Gameboy pad
Possess/Unpossess K Gameboy A
Scare / Interact M Gameboy B
Back to Level Selector Backspace Gameboy start


  • use other people/objects to scare people;
  • the spooky meter will go up when you scare other people.
  • don't unpossess near walls (if you do and the person gets stuck in the wall, possess him and move him away);


  • lvl1:  use other people/objects to scare people (the bar is already filled!);
  • lvl 2:  check who has access to other rooms;
  • lvl 3:  pay attention to your target's fear and where he likes to go;

Made by the Romanian team:

  • Rosu Vlad-Andrei
  • Simion Petrica
  • Bratasanu Anda-Iulia

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